Garantizando un futuro digital equitativo para todas las personas
El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) [...]
ARGENTINA: Inclusión Digital y Desarrollo Humano
Programa de Políticas Sociales para la Recuperación post pandemia 2020. [...]
Rastreador global de respuestas de Género
El año 2020, signado por el vigésimo quinto aniversario de [...]
Gender-responsive voluntary national review preparations for un women country offices preparations for gender responsive voluntary national reviews for un women country and regional offices
The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) constitutes the [...]
Strengthening social cohesion: Conceptual framing and programming implications
This Guidance Note seeks to clarify the social cohesion conceptual [...]
365 Days of Gender Journey
On this special day, we are pleased to share with [...]
UNDP Gender and recovery toolkit
This Toolkit on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Crisis [...]
The COVID-19 Outbreak and gender: Key advocacy points from Asia and the Pacific
Exacerbated burdens of unpaid care work on women and girls: [...]
BRIEFING NOTE: the economic impacts of covid-19 and gender inequality recommendations for policymakers
COVID-19 is a crisis that demands urgent responses. As the [...]