Promoting the equal political participation of women is a key aspect of achieving inclusive and sustainable human development.  In this regard, I am glad to announce the launch of a new e-learning course on ‘Enhancing Women’s Political Participation Throughout the Electoral Cycle’, developed by the electoral team. The course is available in English, French and Spanish, and was produced with the kind support of the Romanian Foreign Ministry and RoAid. The self-paced e-learning course consists of six modules, covering the three phases of the electoral cycle, as well as an introduction, a summary and a module dedicated to internal electoral management body structures and policies.

After completing the course, the user will have a clearer understanding of the challenges women experience during the electoral cycle in their roles as voters, candidates and electoral administrators. The course highlights entry points to boost women’s participation in different roles and the user will be provided with a detailed overview of the existing policy and human rights framework, relevant publications and other knowledge tools. The target audience of the e-learning course are men and women working in electoral administration, candidates, political party members, but also assistance providers and members of civil society organizations. After completing the final exam at the end of the course, participants will receive a formal certificate. 

The e-learning has been designed to build cognitive skills and includes an animated gender journey, illustrations, video material, country examples, short exercises and module summaries. This e-learning course enables the student to progress on his or her own terms and abilities, hence also people who are not able to participate in full-time or all-day learning events, can benefit from this training offer. Please find attached promotional flyers of the e-learning course in EnglishFrench and Spanish for further reference and distribution. For feedback and questions, kindly contact the BPPS Gender & Elections Policy Analyst Lea Zoric (, or our Team Leader of Inclusive Political Processes, Charles Chauvel (