Mujeres jóvenes, participación y empoderamiento para la gobernanza territorial en El Salvador
Este documento se basa en los hallazgos del estudio El [...]
Trabajo decente e igualdad de género. Políticas para mejorar el acceso y la calidad del empleo de las mujeres e América Latina y el Caribe
Este Informe Regional elaborado por OIT (actuando en nombre de [...]
Parlamentos e Igualdad
Esta Guía se basa en el documento Destino igualdad: Ruta [...]
Informal Workers in Global Horticulture and Commodities Value Chains: A Review of Literature
This paper presents and analyzes the key findings from a [...]
Gender in REDD+: A handbook for grassroots facilitators Questions and Answers
The main objective of this booklet is to support local [...]
His REDD+, her REDD+: how integrating gender can improve readiness
The briefing focuses on integrating gender and generation into the [...]
Climate change: do we know how it will affect smallholder livestock farmers?
This Brief outlines how a group of scientists at ILRI [...]
Training Guide Gender and Climate Change research in Agriculture and Food Security for Rural Development.
The guide is targeted to agricultural development professionals who need [...]
Gender equality and food security—women’s empowerment as a tool against hunger.
This publication analyzes gender inequalities that constrain women’s roles in [...]